Alberto Jaspe-Villanueva
Computer Graphics and Visualization

Alberto Jaspe Alberto Jaspe

Hola! I'm a computer science researcher and engineer, currently working on the High-Performance Visualization Group at the Visual Computer Center at KAUST (Saudi Arabia). Previously I worked in the Visual Computing Group at CRS4 (Italy), where I developed my PhD, discussed at the University of A Coruña (Spain).

My main interest lies in the real-time exploration of massive models and complex data, from acquisition to rendering and interaction. For this I deal with multiresolution structures, algorithms, GPUs, raytracing, C++, OpenGL, GLSL, sometimes WebGL and JavaScript, etc. And often it's fun :) Google Scholar LinkedIn Twitter GitHub Orcid VCC profile



Serving as a member of the International Program Committee (IPC) of PacificVIS 2025.


I have been visiting CERN’s CMS, as part of our collaboration for visualizing the simulations of their new High Granularity Hadronic Calorimeter (HGCal) that is going to be installed in the CMS detector for the next major upgrade.


This year I will serve as member of the International Program Committee (IPC) of the following conferences: CGI’24 (Geneva, Switzerland), GCH’24 (Darmstadt, Germany), GRAPP’24 (Rome, Italy), ACM Web3D’24 (Guimarães, Portugal) and CEIG’24 (A Coruña, Spain).


We presented our last paper “PanoVerse: automatic generation of stereoscopic environments from single indoor panoramic images for Metaverse applications” at ACM Siggraph Web3D 2023 (San Sebastián, Spain), which got the Honorable Mention award of the conference. Congratulations to all the co-authors! :)


Very happy to serve as program co-chair this year for ACM Siggraph Web3D 2023. It will be hosted by Vicomtech in the wonderful city of San Sebastián (Spain). Let’s make an awesome conference!


I’ve been invited to be a member of the Program Committee of the Conferencia Española de Informática Gráfica (Spanish Conference of Computer Graphics), which this edition (CEIG’23) will be held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.


I’ve been invited to be a member of the Program Committee of the International Conference on Visualization and Computer-Human Interaction, which this edition VisCHI’22 will be held in Doha, Qatar.


Our paper on Probabilistic filtering of large, multidimensional data has been accepted to IEEE VIS 2022 conference. See you in Oklahoma City (USA)!


I’ve been invited to be a member of the Program Committee of the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, which this edition GCH’22 will be held in TU Delft, Nederlands.


I’ll be attending both EuroVis (Rome) and SIGGRAPH (Vancourver). Hope to see you around!


Uploaded and simple clone of Shadertoy I did time ago, to quickly experiment with shaders: The GLSL Playground.


I’ve been promoted to Research Scientist in the Visual Computing Center within the High-Performance Visualization Group at KAUST, such exciting adventure! All my greetings to Prof. Markus Hadwirger and all my colleagues.


Our last work on MLICs, product of a collaboration between CRS4 and KAUST, has been selected to be the cover of the international journal “The Visual Computer” for 2022 issues.


Finally, this new website has been released! I’ll keep adding more and more content. I designed it from scratch using Jekyll and Bootstrap, and it is hosted with Github Pages; thanks to all these projects!


I am co-editing a research topic for the journal Frontiers in Virtual Reality, called: “Acquiring, exploring and spreading Cultural Heritage with immersive technologies”, with the aim to bridge CH domain and VR/AR technologies. The call for papers for the special journal issue is open!